Bagus Anggi

Bagus Anggi

Osobní údaje

Věk: 30
Narozeniny: 25 srpna

O mně:

I'm just an ordinary person who trust with a dream. I love sport so much. Especially, Running and swimming. almost every morning I run for 5 K and my best time till today is 25,58 minutes. My hope is I can increase my time to be 15 minutes for 5 K. Other that, I love English music too. When I hear music, I can be enjoy and I can learn English by these musics. I like to be dreamer. I often dream the weird things and highly . Maybe, you'll not believe about what my dream. one of my dream Is to be someone who can change the world in positive things whereas a little. Don't lough the dreamer. because he will be make it real.


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