Andriy Nagirnjak

Andriy Nagirnjak

Osobní údaje

Věk: 26
Narozeniny: 18 dubna

O mně:

I am Andriy Nagirnjak Lyubomyrovych. If we want to translate my surname it means ''Highlander'' or ''a person who lives on the hills or on the mountain'' like Scotland's or Canada's peoples. But my hills are in Ukraine, of course my family don't live on the mountain now) but we still live on the highlands. I am a romantic person but people say that i am strange, well the whole my life i was alone because there were not so big number of people who can understand me... I want to learn English. Maybe i can also create friendship or something more)


Mluvím těmito jazyky:

  • ukrajinština | Rodilý mluvčí
  • ruština | Pokročilý
  • běloruština | Středně pokročilý

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