Here are the names in English for some of the most common animals, including pets, farm animals, wild animals, exotic animals, birds, insects, fish, and other creatures which live in the sea.
More detailed word lists for these different types of animal can be found on the subsequent pages.
dog | pes |
cat | kočka |
rabbit | králík |
hamster | křeček |
goldfish | zlatá rybka |
cow | kráva |
sheep (množné číslo: sheep) | ovce |
pig | prase |
horse | kůň |
chicken | kuře |
fox | liška |
deer (množné číslo: deer) | jelen |
mouse (množné číslo: mice) | myš |
rat | krysa |
frog | žába |
snake | had |
lion | lev |
tiger | tygr |
monkey | opice |
elephant | slon |
giraffe | žirafa |
bear | medvěd |
Anglická slovíčka | |
Stránka 51 z 65 | |
Odvětví |
Domácí zvířata
➔ |
pigeon | |
crow | vrána |
dove | holubice |
owl | sova |
eagle | orel |
ant | mravenec |
fly | moucha |
spider | pavouk |
bee | včela |
wasp | vosa |
butterfly | motýl |
cod (množné číslo: cod) | treska obecná |
trout (množné číslo: trout) | pstruh |
salmon (množné číslo: salmon) | losos |
tuna (množné číslo: tuna) | tuňák |
shark | žralok |
crab | krab |
tail | |
fur | |
claw | |
paw | |
hoof | |
mane | |
trunk | |
snout |